Interview for the newspaper "La Stampa" by Tiziana Platzer
A RECORD PERFORMANCE TO MAKE YOUR HEAD TURN Among us colleagues there is a saying: when you see someone doing a number
particularly spectacular, rest assured that a Chinese child does it better. And Andrea Cerrato laughs heartily, with just Guinness
won on TV at "The Night of Records" hosted by Enrico Papi on TV8: with the Canadian wheel he completed 48 consecutive laps in 30 seconds and
he snatched the primacy from none other than a Chinese. “An incredible thing - says the circus artist from Turin, 29 years old and graduated from the school of circus Vertigo in Grugliasco five years ago - they contacted me a month ago from the program: they wanted an Italian to beat a Chinese ”. And he had trained every day, tour permitting, because Cerrato is in the international company "Alis, Le cirque whit the top world's performers "with whom he works at his number in roue cyr together with Valerié Inertie, the first woman to win the Silver Clown at the Festival of Monte Carlo, and contemporary circus characters such as the juggler Victor Kee who won “American s Got Talent” and Anatoly Zaliewsky: "He is the greatest verticalist in history: I was studying his videos and now I work alongside him" A surprising career, which began at 13 with hip hop danced between Turin, Los Angeles and Paris and, only after a problem with the choreographer, the choice of the circus. “I saw in a show a number with the Canadian wheel and immediately I decided it would be my instrument on stage - Cerrato says again - That wheel is my first partner, I can transform it and imagine how stimulate my fantasy. Then it is a recent tool and therefore much research is still being done on its scenic possibilities. Which with hard training allowed him to beat a Chinese circus performer, indeed, during rehearsals he hit 50 consecutive laps: "but I had taken it into account, with the transmission voltage and the number I made before the test I imagined I would not have reached the maximum". He is ready for the next record: the challenge with China is open”.
The virtuoso of the Canadian wheel from Turin who completed 48 consecutive laps on the floor in 30 seconds, creating the figure known in technical jargon "the coin", beating the previous record (45 round in 30 seconds) held by a Chinese colleague.
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